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Look who loves the Keystone Pipeline

Look who loves the Keystone Pipeline

by digby

Hey guess what? Short term, self-interested Wall Street ethics aren’t confined to Wall Street:

It will create some construction jobs. I don’t know what is meant by “significant” but for those who need the work  any job is significant. And I get why people who would get those construction jobs are in favor of the pipeline even if they know there could be environmental disaster. Food in the belly today over whatever happens tomorrow is a powerful incentive. But that isn’t 65% of the American public.  What about all those people who already have jobs and know there will be a danger of environmental disaster? Apparently they just don’t give a damn. I guess they figure it will allow them to drive their gas hog cars a little bit longer and for them, that’s all that matters.

Why do they hate their children so much?


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