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Renouncing all of his allures

Renouncing all of his allures

by digby

I somehow missed the latest round of the Denunciation Tango, but it’s a pip.(You’ll recall that last week Tom Ricks of the Washington Post first took to the floor to demand that Glenn Greenwald denounce Vladimir Putin or prove that he is a Russian agent — or something.)

Some guy from The Daily Banter really, really doesn’t like Glenn Greenwald and apparently he thinks that Glenn wants to elect Republicans and is engaged in a plot to suppress the Democratic base or some such nonsense and that’s why everyone should be skeptical of his reporting. (That’s going to come as a big surprise to these three candidates who were under the impression they were very liberal Democrats. This guy too.) Anyway, it’s the usual pile of contradictory blather about how it’s very important that Snowden revealed what he revealed but he’s still terrible and almost as bad as Glenn Greenwald… etc, etc, etc. But what makes this amusing is that it’s all couched in a demand that Charles Pierce denounce Glenn Greenwald. Unfortunately for this fine fellow, Pierce is probably the last person you’d want to engage with on something like this:

The sum total of the rest of this whole thing is a bunch of ad hominem on Greenwald and Snowden, some bullshit about a near war between Australia and Indonesia, and a litany which apparently must be chanted, like baptismal vows (“Do you renounce Greenwald?” I do renounce him. “And all his works?” I do renounce them. “And all his allures?” I do renounce them.), before one can comment on the dangers of the surveillance state. Anyway, on the list of causes of why the Democratic base fails to turn out for midterm elections, which was the whole fking point of the post in the first place, Glenn Greenwald’s opinion of the party ranks somewhere below the rain and unbreakable dental appointments. Anyone who believes otherwise should put down the cereal bowl and get out more.


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