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Memo to Rand Paul: you’re spitting into the wind

Memo to Rand Paul: you’re spitting into the wind

by digby

Regarding that allegedly newly isolationist GOP that’s going to vote en masse for civil liberties and a dovish foreign policy, it looks as though that might be a bit premature. Their usual hawkish tendencies are already coming alive:

It must be noted that even among Republicans the appetite for military action in Russia is very mild. And overall, only a quarter of the nation sees Russia as an enemy. But the number of Republicans who are dusting off their old anti-communist playbooks is growing very fast. Others, not so much.

A majority of Americans are fairly warlike and both parties, as well as independents, get themselves all over-stimulated at the prospect of war. But only one political party makes a fetish of it. It’s definitional.


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