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If you’re rich in America, you can even get away with raping your 3-year-old daughter. by @DavidOAtkins

If you’re rich in America, you can even get away with raping your 3-year-old daughter

by David Atkins

This is what justice looks like in these United States:

Robert Richards IV, an heir to the du Pont family fortune, served no jail time even though he plead guilty to the fourth-degree rape of his 3-year-old daughter in 2008, according to court documents. The details of that rape case,which received little media attention at the time, were revealed in the aftermath of a lawsuit filed on March 18th on behalf of Richards’ two children by his ex-wife, Tracy Richards. The former Mrs. Richards is now accusing Robert Richards of also sexually abusing their son. The lawsuit is “seeking compensatory and punitive damages for assault, negligence, and intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress on his two children.” The suit and subsequent developments were first reported by senior reporter Cris Barrish of Delaware’s The News Journal.

Lawyers for Robert Richards IV have 45 days from the time of the March 18 filing to respond in court to the lawsuit. They could not be reached for comment and appear not to have made any public comments on the case thus far.
According to a February 2009 sentencing order in the criminal rape case, Delaware Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden concluded that Robert Richards IV “will not fare well” in prison. Jurden originally sentenced Richards to eight years in prison, then suspended that punishment in favor of Level II probation and ordered the heir — who is supported by a family trust — to pay $4,395 to the Delaware Violent Crimes Compensation Board.

See, if you’re rich you “won’t fare well in prison”, even if you’re a large man with no major problems. If you’re poor, you’ll do just fine in prison. After all, being poor in America is a sort of prison anyway, so it’s no big deal.

The rich are just made of finer, more delicate stuff and deserve to be pampered. They just need treatment, not prison, so they can go back to being the John Galts of society they are. Even the 4th-generation heirs.

It’s just another day in the new American aristocracy.


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