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QOTD: Mike Huckabee

by digby

Via HuffPost:

“I’m not a hater. I’m not homophobic.”

Perhaps not. But he is still a nasty piece of work:

“We’ve had a congress that spends money like John Edwards at a beauty shop”


I’ve written about Huckabee’s fake “compassion” going back a decade. The idea that he’s not a hater is ridiculous. Consider this lovely exchange from 2007. He always starts off with a nice bipartisan bromide — and then he sticks in the shiv:

BLITZER: The president is determined to revive the immigration bill and they are determined to come up with a game plan in the next few days that will see it pass… Are you on board with the president of the United States?

HUCKABEE: Not at this time. But let me explain why. First of all, I think there are three basic reasons that the bill is in real trouble, particularly with Republicans.

And the first reason is is there’s a general lack of credibility that the American people have with government based on their inattention to Katrina and the way it was bungled, based on the lack of attention when it came to corruption, and they saw it…The second factor, it was written in secret…

But Wolf, let me tell you the third reason that people in the Republican Party are uncomfortable with it, I can put it in this simple phrase. What part of Kennedy do you not understand?

When Ted Kennedy is involved, it immediately creates a natural, just anxiety for Republicans. Now having said that, you know, I respect and appreciate that Senator McCain has put a stake in the ground on this. And unlike so many people who just take the easy way out, you’ve got to give him credit for working on this problem along with other senators from both parties and attempting to put something on the table.

So rather than just throw it all away, let’s be very specific in the parts of it we don’t like, and let’s fix it. That’s the way legislation gets done.

BLITZER: Well, let me be just clear, Governor. Just because Senator Kennedy is on board with Senator Kyl and Senator McCain and the president, just because he has come to their side, does that in and of itself make it unacceptable?

HUCKABEE: No. What I’m saying is that when he is front and center, you’re always going to have the first glance from Republicans sort of saying, whoa, we better really take a real close look. Because if he likes it, there may be something hidden in there that we’re not going to like.

I’m just saying that’s one of the issues. It does not mean that it can’t happen. But he’s not exactly the one that brings warm, fuzzy feelings to Republicans in America.

Like I said, Huckabee has a nasty streak a mile wide. He’s the real “slick Arkansas snake oil salesman.”


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