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States’ Rights and reefer madness

States’ Rights and reefer madness

by digby

I have a story up over at Salon this morning about the Republican war on states’ rights. Well, actually it’s just the stale old Drug War, but they seem to be very unhappy that the Feds aren’t moving into sovereign states and exerting the will of the Federal Government. Odd, don’t you think?

Some days you wonder how much Eric Holder can really like his job. Like last week when the A.G. testified before Congress and got it coming and going on the subject of legalized marijuana. If he were a toking man (and I’m sure he isn’t) he’d have been justified in going home and sparking up a spliff the size of Colorado. After all, he, an African-American, had to sit there and listen politely to a bunch of white conservatives criticize “states’ rights” and insist that he deploy his jack-booted federal thugs to put a stop to it… More here.


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