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GOP loons want Boehner’s scalp – but their plan is doomed to fail

GOP loons want Boehner’s scalp – but their plan is doomed to fail

by digby

My latest Salon piece: the conservative Lucy and Ethel’s are at it again.

It’s that time of year again: Spring is in the air, a midterm is on the horizon, and a young radical’s fancy turns to revolution. Yes, it’s time for another right-wing plot to dethrone an extremely conservative speaker of the House.

National Journal reports that “in discreet dinners at the Capitol Hill Club and in winding, hypothetical-laced email chains” unhappy Tea Party Republicans are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore. John Boehner, the man who has managed to successfully maneuver a Democratic Senate and a Democratic president into passing one austerity budget after another, is considered a squish for failing to bring down the state. This is not the first time. It was only a year ago that similar threats were whispered and nothing came of it. But this time they insist they’re serious. If they could just settle on a plan… Read on.


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