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Clive Bundy needs to read the Nevada Constitution.

Clive Bundy needs to read the Nevada Constitution

by digby

The Atlantic had an interesting take on the latest right wing hero Clive Bundy. He claims to be a big States’ rights guy, naturally:

Well, you know, my cattle is only one issue—that the United States courts has ordered that the government can seize my cattle. But what they have done is seized Nevada statehood, Nevada law, Clark County public land, access to the land, and have seized access to all of the other rights of Clark County people that like to go hunting and fishing. They’ve closed all those things down, and we’re here to protest that action. And we are after freedom. We’re after liberty. That’s what we want…

In another interview he said:

“I believe this is a sovereign state of Nevada,” Bundy said in a radio interview last Thursday. “I abide by all of Nevada state laws. But I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing.”

Except he doesn’t abide by Nevada state laws. In fact the Nevada constitution makes a mockery of everything these “states’ rights” zealots are saying today:

Here it is:

All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security and benefit of the people; and they have the right to alter or reform the same whenever the public good may require it. But the Paramount Allegiance of every citizen is due to the Federal Government in the exercise of all its Constitutional powers as the same have been or may be defined by the Supreme Court of the United States; and no power exists in the people of this or any other State of the Federal Union to dissolve their connection therewith or perform any act tending to impair, subvert, or resist the Supreme Authority of the government of the United States. The Constitution of the United States confers full power on the Federal Government to maintain and Perpetuate its existence, and whensoever any portion of the States, or people thereof attempt to secede from the Federal Union, or forcibly resist the Execution of its laws, the Federal Government may, by warrant of the Constitution, employ armed force in compelling obedience to its Authority.

I don’t think it can be any clearer. This man is defying the laws of the United States of America and the clear constitutional directives of the State of Nevada. He does not have a leg to stand on.

I’m sure he’ll declare that he’s following Biblical law or some such nonsense if confronted This isn’t about law, it’s about the right wing’s conviction that the United States doesn’t really exist.

Unless they want a war in which case they’ll be waving the flag so hard it will cause a hurricane. Consistency isn’t their strong suit.

But then, he’s obviously a silly fool.

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