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The Wingnut Welfare Monarchy #Wedon’thavethat #supportAtrios

The Wingnut Welfare Monarchy

by digby

Can you believe this?  It’s not as if Limbaugh and company wouldn’t do this for free. Or that they aren’t already millionaires hundreds of times over. They’re just giving them money because … well, because:

A POLITICO review of filings with the Internal Revenue Service and Federal Election Commission, as well as interviews and reviews of radio shows, found that conservative groups spent nearly $22 million to broker and pay for involved advertising relationships known as sponsorships with a handful of influential talkers including Beck, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh between the first talk radio deals in 2008 and the end of 2012. Since then, the sponsorship deals have grown more lucrative and tea party-oriented, with legacy groups like The Heritage Foundation ending their sponsorships and groups like the Tea Party Patriots placing big ad buys.

It’s the sheer amount of money they have that always astounds me.

Atrios is holding a fundraiser and as one of the last remaining founding prog-blogs, he needs your support:

12 years ago I started this sucky little blog, mostly because this “blog” thing seemed to be taking off and it was dominated by conservative assholes and eventheliberals, like every other medium at the time. I figured I could be a liberal asshole on the internet well enough. About that time lots of other people joined in – I’m not really claiming to be a pioneer here. And of course there were the protoblogs, such as the long missing Media Horse and the sadly departed Bartcop.

I can’t say this “job” is “hard” relative to the shit most people put up with, but there is something about the constant stress of having to come up with a post every couple of hours. I hit publish and immediately start thinking of what to post next. Yes I know I have a reputation for not writing anything, but writing is the easy part. Having something to say is the hard bit.

Thanks to the community for keeping it interesting. “Internet commenters” have a bad reputation – often deservedly – but they’re generally the most interesting part of an interesting site. Without commenters here I would have bored myself to death years ago.

12 years ago I was 30. I am not 30 anymore. It’s been a long strange trip!

Consider a wee contribution to keep this going a bit longer. Hopefully we’ve managed to help change things for the better, just a bit anyway.

We don’t have rich assholes throwing millions at us, I can tell you that. Without you readers we will disappear. And then you can read Ann Coulter and Jonah Goldberg and listen to Joe Scarborough and Rush Limbaugh. They don’t have to hold fundraisers.

Click over and throw a few bucks his way.

Update: Driftglass reminds us that the Queen of all Wingnuttery, Ayn Rand, approved the welfare back when little Paulie Ryan was a mere twinkle in her eye. (Well, that might have been the Dexies, but you know what I mean …)


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