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Sean Parker should just buy No-Labels and call it a day

Sean Parker should just buy No-Labels and call it a day

by digby

David and I both wrote about Sean Parker today, the Facebook billionaire and newborn political power broker. Mine is over at Salon.  Here’s an excerpt;

…One of the nice things about being a billionaire is that even if you have no idea about what you believe or any sense of how the political system works in theory or in practice you can meet with the actual players and have them explain it to you. That’s what Parker has been doing, meeting with politicians of such disparate ideologies as Rand Paul, Bill DeBlasio and Charlie Christ. I’m sure they all told him to put them on speed dial and to call day or night if he had any questions.

His plan, if one can call it that, makes the naive young heirs to the great fortunes look like grizzled old political veterans by comparison …

He’s not even a Mugwump. He’s just a mess. Apparently, he thinks he can “make Washington work” by financing a group of deal makers in both parties who will knock some heads together and get the job done. What, exactly, it is they are supposed to get done remains a mystery. Indeed, from the sound of it, it doesn’t really matter.

It’s the fact that he’s hired an army of political strategists from all sides of the political spectrum that is the tell. He will spend a whole lot of money and accomplish absolutely nothing. They’re already buying their vacation homes. But then he has so much it might as well be a trip to Vegas for him.


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