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QOTW: Erick Erickson

QOTW: Erick Erickson

by digby

On why he thinks Hillary isn’t the shoo-in for the nomination everyone thinks she is:

She’s going to be old!I don’t know how far back they can pull her face!

He’s such a beautiful man himself — the Don Draper of right wing commentators — that he’s certainly got standing to say something like this.

As I have discussed many times before, this was a theme of the 2008 campaign as well, with people from all sides of the political spectrum feeling free to point out that older women are such repulsive creatures they should not even be seen in public much less run for public office.

I don’t expect to see Democrats saying that sort of thing this time unless a sexy dark horse candidate emerges who doesn’t fit the old hag profile. (No Liz Warren for you! She’s over 60 …) But the Republicans are going to have a field day with it. It will be interesting to see how the GOP women react and if they join in the fun. It wouldn’t surprise me. But in the back of their minds they know that they too are going to be old some day — and that this is how the men they associate with will think of them.

Is there even one woman anchor over 50 on Fox News? Over 40? I can’t think of one. Of course, their strongest demographic is conservative, white men over 60.  The last thing they want to see is someone who looks like their wives. After all, they all look like George Clooney.

Update: I stand corrected. Greta Van Susteren is a Fox News anchor and she’s 59. I do recall that when Ailes lured her over from CNN he insisted that she get some surgery though. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But she’d better not run for office or people will give her grief for having it done. You can’t win this game.

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