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The right’s very uncomfortable week

The right’s very uncomfortable week

by digby

I love this piece by Paul Waldman about what an uncomfortable week it’s been for Republicans.  He starts off with Cliven Bundy of course, but that’s not the end of it by any means. Here’s a sample of some other right wing lunacy:

Republicans are also being made uncomfortable by their own candidates, who haven’t all gotten the message on the “outreach” the party is supposed to be doing. Here’s one who has proposed an effort to round up and deport every undocumented immigrant in the country, which he calls, no kidding, “Operation Wetback.” Here’s one who said it was an “abominable idolatry” when wives love their children more than their husbands, arguing that that’s what causes divorces most of the time. He added that in the “vast preponderance” of situations where men are adulterous, women are to blame because they have showered too much emotion on their children instead of their husbands. And here’s one who endorsed cockfighting.

This really has been a banner week in wingnuttia. I follow this stuff pretty closely and there was so much of it that I actually missed the one about women causing their husbands to sleep with other women because they love their children too much. I must have missed that biblical lesson in Sunday School — the one where Jesus said that it was wrong to love your kids. I did miss a few Sundays, I admit …

And yes, Republican politicians are now endorsing cockfighting. Cockfighting…

Where do they go from here?


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