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A small ray of light for a Democratic House, by @DavidOAtkins

A small ray of light for a Democratic House

by David Atkins

I’ve consistently said that I don’t expect Democrats to retake the House until 2022 after the next census. That’s a depressingly long time to wait for action on inequality, climate change, immigration, and so many other pressing problems. Any ray of hope that gets just one or two seats closer to taking the gavel out of Republican hands is encouraging.

Corrupt GOPer Michael Grimm might have gifted Democrats one of those rays of hope:

News of Rep. Michael Grimm’s anticipated indictment Friday afternoon jolted a competitive Staten Island House race and leaves his fellow Republicans with few good options for retaining his seat in the fall.

Grimm has not made clear whether he will stay in the running, and the expected accusations from federal prosecutors give Democratic opponent Domenic Recchia an indisputable opening in the swing district.

Grimm is a nasty piece of work, and it’s great that voters will likely be spared his “representation.” Even more importantly, it gets Democrats potentially one seat closer to the uphill shot at taking the House. And even if we fall short, the closer the margin, the likelier a few House Republican crossovers will be to at least getting immigration reform done over the next few years.


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