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The changing face of America

The changing face of America

by digby

We all know this.  But it’s still interesting to see this in chart form.

Now, if all white people were Republicans it would still present a big challenge for racial minorities. 43% is still a whole lot of people and a very powerful plurality. But if you look at the age demographics you see that most younger people aren’t racially prejudiced and they will likely carry those attitudes into their later years as well. So the number of white racists within that plurality of whites is also shrinking rapidly.

There will always be some racists. It’s deeply embedded in American culture and frankly, the human species. But the Cliven Bundys of the world are dying off and they aren’t being replaced. He may have 14 kids who have the same attitudes but there are 114 out there for every one of them who don’t see the world that way.

It gives you hope.


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