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Blog News. Writing here, there and everywhere #Imstillblogging

Blog News. Writing here, there and everywhere

by digby

Just a little note to say that Salon has announced that I have joined their team and I wanted to explain exactly what that means. I will be writing for them as I have been the last three weeks, commenting on various topics that catch my eye. So far it’s been a lot of fun and they are a great group to work with.

However, just so you know, I will still be blogging full time here as I always have. I honestly see nothing changing at all in that respect — this is my home and will continue to be so. The only thing new is that you’ll have another place to read my scribbles.

I should point out that normally my Salon piece will go up quite early in the morning.  So, if you go over there around 8AM eastern/5AM pacific time you’ll usually see my little contribution.

So, don’t remove Hullabaloo from your bookmarks! David, Dennis, tristero and I will still be churning out the words of wisdom — or words anyway, at the same pace as always.


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