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It takes a Village, remember?

It takes a Village, remember?

by digby

When I first became acquainted with Hillary Clinton back in the early 90s, her main academic and activist interest concerned the rights and needs of children. She was considered a major thinker on the issue, aligning herself closely with such luminaries and Marian Wright Edelman of the Children’s Defense Fund. In fact, it was one of the signifiers of Hillary’s fundamental liberalism (as opposed to her husband’s more political centrist style.)

So it’s kind of depressing to see this:

On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton discussed the growing child-migrant crisis in south Texas — and called for most of the tens of thousands of children and teenagers to be sent back to their home countries in Central America, as long as their parents could be found.

“We have to send a clear message: just because your child gets across the border doesn’t mean your child gets to stay,” Clinton said at a CNN-hosted town hall.

As Dara Lind points out in this Vox explainer, you can’t just do that — if you care about children. We have lots of laws governing refugees and asylum seekers and immigrants. This proposal basically throws them all out the window simply because the people involved are children.

Like I said — depressing.


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