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Mitch McConnell: a mother’s best friend

Mitch McConnell: a mother’s best friend

by digby

Who says the Republicans don’t have any ideas that will help working people? Here’s one that’s really going to hit people where they live. Literally:

Today’s families face a number of challenges: About half of all parents say it’s difficult for them to balance the demands of raising their children with the demands of work. Childcare costs more than rent or food, just 12 percent get paid leave if they have a new child, and if a kid gets sick 40 percent of workers can’t take a paid day to care for them.

Called “A Fair Shot for Everyone,” one key piece of the Republicans’ package, introduced by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), is the Working Parents Home Office Act, which allows parents to deduct home office costs from their taxes if they have a baby crib in the office. “These are just the kinds of things that could make a difference in people’s lives now,” McConnell said.

Uhm, no. Not really. Being able to deduct costs for the baby crib you have to keep in your “home office” is not particularly helpful. Sure, it’s better than a sharp stick in the eye for the new mothers who happen to have a home office, but the real problem for workers is low pay, non-existent child care, inflexible work schedules and unpaid maternity leave. And the Republicans are actually trying to make all that worse than it already is. Even the rather tepid assistance the ACA offers in terms of health care for those working less than 40 hours per week is the subject of a rollback by none other than than great and wonderful avatar of bipartisanship Susan Collins.

So, yes. If you happen to be a new mom who works from home and has a home office that already qualifies for the minuscule tax benefits that are offered, you can add one more little write-off if you agree to keep the crib in the office so you can work while the baby sleeps and breastfeeds. Because God knows, you’ll need to work twice as hard to make a living if these people have their way.


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