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Andrew Cuomo must be a true believer. Nobody can think this is good politics.

Andrew Cuomo must be a true believer. Nobody can think this is good politics.

by digby

Everyone seems to assume that Andrew Cuomo is a cynical politician who’s positioning himself for higher office by walking a centrist path in order that he not alienate any moderates of even possibly conservatives he might need in the future. The conventional wisdom among progressives is that he’s out of touch with current politics and is caught in a Clintonian time warp. But I’m beginning to think he’s not out of touch or cynical. I think he might just be a real centrist who truly believes what he believes and that it’s foolish not to take him at his word.

That’s the only way stupid stuff like this makes any sense at all:

In ancringeworthy move that will be compared with Bill Clinton’s much lampooned line, “I smoked pot, but I didn’t inhale,” New York governor Andrew Cuomo says you may need cannabis for medical reasons, but you can’t smoke it. Why? Because it is too dangerous, says Cuomo, ignoring tons of data showing that pot smoking is far less dangerous and more beneficial than alcohol. But Cuomo, for reasons that are unclear and open to severe head scratching, continues to remain in the Dark Ages when it comes to pot.

He must be daft enough to think it’s true. Nobody could possibly be so politically tone deaf as to think that people will think that’s some kind of reasonable compromise instead of a completely stupid attempt to have it both ways.


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