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Impeachment gets real, dudes

Impeachment gets real, dudes

by digby

In case you were wondering which high crimes and misdemeanors Republicans believe President Obama has committed, South Dakota has led the way with the bill of indictment:

The South Dakota Republican Party passed a resolution on Saturday calling for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.

Delegates at the party’s annual convention in Rapid City voted 191-176 in favor of the measure, which claims that the president has “violated his oath of office in numerous ways,” according to the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

Specifically, the resolution cited the trade of five Taliban detainees for U.S. Army soldier Bowe Bergdahl, as well as Obama’s much-maligned campaign promise that people would be able to keep their existing health insurance under the Affordable Care Act and a recent EPA proposal that would curb emissions from coal power plants.

“Therefore, be it resolved that the South Dakota Republican Party calls on our U.S. Representatives to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States,” the resolution reads, according to the Argus Leader.

I think they missed the boat in not naming that Michelle Obama initiative to get kids to eat some vegetables. If that isn’t an abuse of presidential power, I don’t know what is.

Also too, whither Benghazi!™?


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