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Just give them money. That’s all they want.

Just give them money. That’s all they want.

by digby

If you still have questions as to why establishment figures like John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy are able to maintain their positions of power, this should clear it up:

Senior House Republicans announced plans Tuesday to provide millions of dollars in campaign cash to help shore up the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is lagging behind its Democratic counterpart in fundraising so far this year.
Seeking to quickly close the gap — and fill the void created by the stunning primary defeat of outgoing Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) — House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) announced plans Tuesday to transfer $1.5 million from his personal campaign accounts to the NRCC. The donations take Boehner’s total contributions to his GOP colleagues to $17 million so far this cycle — more than any other House Republican.

Boehner formally announced his intentions during his weekly closed-door meeting with GOP lawmakers. News of the donations was first reported by USA Today. The donations are another signal that Boehner has no plans to step down as speaker soon and is instead seeking to consolidate his support by generously sharing his ability to raise significant campaign cash.

It’s what they do. And on both sides, not the GOP side. Partisan Power doesn’t come from ideological purity or even organization talent (just look at former whip McCarthy’s inability to count votes.) It comes from $$$$. Which makes the congress go round.


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