Cutting off your own constituent’s nose to spite your face
by digby
Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) released a draft resolution on Thursday that would authorize the House to move forward with a case against Obama for what House Republicans see as abuse of executive power.
The litigation will focus solely on the 2013 delay of the employer mandate. According to the resolution, that was an instance where Obama changed the law without congressional approval.
“That’s not the way our system of government was designed to work. No president should have the power to make laws on his or her own,” Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said.
So, the Republicans are going to court to enforce a mandate which they voted against and to which they are completely opposed?
Ok. One can only assume they couldn’t find an example of Imperial Executive Overreach that harms their own constituency. After all, they like to fashion themselves as the party of small business which was granted a reprieve from the mandate with this executive order. I guess the Republicans can’t stand the idea that small business owners were cut a break if others weren’t. Or something.
Also too, the great black whale of Obamacare is just irresistible. They’re going to go after it even if it makes no sense at all.