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The Village and mortal sin (Yes, torture *is* patriotic)

The Village and mortal sin

by digby

I honestly cannot believe someone actually wrote this, but he did. Ron Fournier:

Obama needs to hold high-ranking CIA officials accountable for misleading the White House, Congress, and the people, and for spying on Senate investigators. Patriots may get away with torture. Not with lying about it.

It’s not that you slept with another woman that bothers me, sweetheart, it’s that you lied about it.

Does anyone ever believe that bullshit?

Apparently Ron Fournier thinks everyone does:

Most Americans are likely to agree with President Obama, who said Friday that the tactics went too far (“We tortured some folks”), but that those who ordered and committed torture did so out of dire public interest. He called them patriots. “It’s important for us not to feel too sanctimonious in retrospect about the job that those folks had.”

I’d laugh if it wasn’t such a serious subject.

I’d like to see a poll with this question: “Do you believe it it worse that the government tortured people or that they lied about torturing people?”

I don’t know how the American people would respond to that. But I know what is worse: the fucking torture is worse.

I’m not a Catholic, but I think they have a good way of looking at situations like this. There’s the venial sin of lying. And there’s the mortal sin of torture.

One of those will send you straight to hell.


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