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Amash goes Bullworth

Amash goes Bullworth

by digby

I tend to agree with Congressman Justin Amash about 30% of the time, but that’s certainly more than I agree with most Republicans. And when he’s right, he’s really right:

Rep. Justin Amash may have won the Republican primary for Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District but the fight is not over, as he took his victory speech as an opportunity to call one fellow Republican a “disgrace” and to demand an apology from another.

“To Brian Ellis, you owe my family and this community an apology for your disgusting, despicable smear campaign,” Amash said on Tuesday after winning the GOP primary. “You had the audacity to try to call me today, after running a campaign that was called the nastiest in the country.”

Amash claimed a victory on Tuesday night against Ellis, taking 57.4 percent of the votes, compared to Ellis’ 42.6 percent. The results came after campaign ads, such as one that called Amash “Al Qaeda’s best friend in Congress,” drew national attention.

“I’m an Arab-American, and he has the audacity to say I’m Al Qaeda’s best friend in Congress. That’s pretty disgusting,” Amash said in a post-speech interview with Fox 17.
Amash’s attacks did not stop with his opponent. He also had words for former Rep. Pete Hoekstra, who announced in July that he would support Ellis rather than Amash.

“I want to say to lobbyist Pete Hoekstra, you’re a disgrace,” Amash said. “I’m glad we can hand you one more loss before you fade into total obscurity and irrelevance.

Oh snap. Good for him. Those ads really were despicable.

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