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Political malpractice at the top of the heap

Political malpractice at the top of the heap

by digby

Did you know that the head of the Democratic National Committee is against medical marijuana even though over 80% of her constituents, even the elderly (who could truly benefit), are for it? And did you know that when medical marijuana is on the ballot it’s estimated that it can raise turnout by several percentage points which, in a midterm, is vital? It’s all true.

Medical marijuana is on the ballot in Florida this November, largely backed by major Democrats who would like to see it legalized but also are trying to stop the psychotic weirdo Rick Scott from having another term to further wreck the state. And Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is opposed to it.

This is the equivalent of the head of the RNC coming out in favor of Obamacare in 2010.

Anyway, I wrote a lot more about it in Salon yesterday if you’d care to get into the gory details….

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