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It’s a miracle they haven’t killed each other

It’s a miracle they haven’t killed each other

by digby

Batshit crazy:

Conservationists studying bats in Arizona were recently confronted by a group of armed militia members who confused them for border crossers or smugglers, a local sheriff told television station KOLD.

The TV station reported on Tuesday that Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada said the militia members were wearing camouflage and were heavily armed when they arrived on ATVs and confronted the scientists on the night of Aug. 23.

“Obviously they mistook them for smugglers or illegal entrants,” said Estrada. “They were armed. They put a spotlight on them.”

We have enough trouble with thousands of yahoo cops running around armed like they’re patrolling Mogadishu. Do we really need these juvenile idiots playing army with real guns? People are going to get hurt.

By the way, the “militia” group was from Colorado.

Sheriff Estrada says Santa Cruz County does not welcome border militia groups.

“These people that are completely out of their environment. They really don’t know the area. They don’t know the terrain. They have little knowledge of the dynamics of the border. So it can be a real problem,” Estrada says. “We really don’t want them here.”

“It can be a problem for them. It can be a problem for the people, just like in this particular case. Things could have gone terribly wrong.”

I’m going to guess that Arizona has enough armed nutballs of their own to deal with.


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