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Don’t worry Kentucky. She knows on which side her bread is buttered. #GrimesMcConnell

Don’t worry Kentucky. She knows on which side her bread is buttered.

by digby

So James O’Keefe has taken his dishonest documentary style to political campaigns now. He’s formed a 501(c)4 which is supposed to be one of those “social welfare” organizations and is infiltrating the campaigns of Democrats to “expose” workers and volunteers saying embarrassing things on camera. Dave Weigel reports on his latest hit on Alison Lundren Grimes who’s running against Senator Mitch McConnell in Kentucky:

[T]here’s a succession of cheerful activists insisting that Grimes is on their side, and is participating in a “lying game” when she says she’ll fight for the coal industry. One Democrat even offers that Barack Obama’s regulations have “shut down all the really terrible environmental places,” which is decidedly not the Grimes campaign line. She “strongly oppose[s] President Obama’s attack on Kentucky’s energy industry.” The Grimes volunteers and backers don’t take her seriously. (“Neither does anyone else,” says Doug Stafford, Rand Paul’s political director.)

So he’s got Democratic true believers on video saying they don’t believe all the conservative clap-trap their candidate is spewing. Stop the presses. When has this not been the case? And I hate to tell O’Keefe (and those poor volunteers) but the smart money is on Grimes holding fast to those conservative positions — and probably waffling on her more liberal ones. (In any case, it’s the liberal policies that are always used as negotiating chips. Big coal is safe in her hands.)

No need to worry Kentucky. If Grimes gets in she’ll fight for the coal industry with her last breath which, considering all the health risks to humans and the planet from our continued exploitation of coal, is likely to come sooner than she might like.


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