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Fox News on upskirt

Fox News on upskirt

by digby

I don’t know about you but I find everything about this conversation really creepy:

I wonder how the women of Fox News feel about this. They are the endless subject of “upskirt” leering on the internet mainly because Roger Ailes insists that they wear tight, short skirts that show off their legs and they get caught in compromising poses when leering leering men take screenshots of them just trying to cross their legs.

They aren’t allowed to wear pants:

According to anchor Bob Sellers, Ailes once phoned the control booth to complain during a weekend news broadcast (haha!) that he was upset with the camera’s view of former Fox reporter Kiran Chetry: “Move that damn laptop, I can’t see her legs!”

Ailes had some very important advice for former Fox host Catherine Crier, too:

“He had admiration for her legs,” a senior executive said. In one meeting, Ailes barked, “Tell Catherine I did not spend x-number of dollars on a glass desk for her to wear pant suits.”

When Karl Rove insisted that it was way too early to call Ohio, and hence the election, for Barack Obama on election night 2012, Megyn Kelly was sent on an epic march through the studio to the “Decision Desk”:

On her trek, Kelly said that the Decisioneers used to be on the same set as the election anchors, but “then for some reason, they moved them down the hall.” But there were two excellent reasons, according to a Fox employee who told Sherman, “This is Fox News, so anytime there’s a chance to show off Megyn Kelly’s legs they’ll go for it.”

Sherman also has this story about the brain-storming that went into the creation of afternoon chat show The Five. It’s because the man is a lover of the legitimate theatre:

“Whenever he can, he gets into the conversation that he produced Hot l Baltimore,” a senior Fox executive said. Creating the Fox News afternoon show The Five, Ailes found his inspiration on the stage. “He said, ‘I’ve always wanted to do an ensemble concept,’” a close friend said. “He said, ‘I wanted a Falstaff, and that’s Bob Beckel. I need a leading man, and it’s Eric Bolling. I need a serious lead and that’s Dana Perino. I need a court jester and it’s Greg [Gutfeld], and I need the leg. That’s Andrea Tantaros.”


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