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If they’re hiding their zealotry, it’s a very good sign

If they’re hiding their zealotry, it’s a very good sign

by digby

Ok, now I’m fully convinced that this War on Women is a powerful political theme. Look at Scott Walker’s new ad:

“Hi, I’m Scott Walker. I’m pro-life. But there’s no doubt in my mind the decision of whether or not to end a pregnancy is an agonizing one. That’s why I support legislation to increase safety and to provide more information for a woman considering her options. The bill leaves the final decision to a woman and her doctor. Now, reasonable people can disagree on this issue. Our priority is to protect the health and safety of all Wisconsin citizens.”

If he didn’t say “pro-life” at the beginning of that you’d think he was a pro-choice politician. And Scott Walker is anything but pro-choice. He’s a hard core social conservative who has said he doesn’t believe in abortion even in cases of rape and incest. And here he is using pro-choice talking points about the decision being between a woman and her doctor trying to obfuscate his position.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen any Republican with national ambitions feel the need to hide his anti-abortion zealotry. I call that progress.


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