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Our exceptional country ranks number 60 among nation for political empowerment for women

Our exceptional country ranks number 60 among nation for political empowerment for women

by digby

The US ranks as number 23 in the world for lowest gender gap. And what’s most depressing is that we rank high when it comes to education and economic opportunity. What knocks us out of the top level is our piss poor ranking for political empowerment of women: we rank at number 60 in that category.

I don’t know what it is about our culture and democracy that creates a situation where half the population is still mostly represented by the other half of the population in our political system but I have a pretty good idea. (See #gamergate if you wonder what I’m talking about.)

And no, it won’t be enough to have a woman president. Just as the election of the first African American didn’t solve the problem of racist attitudes in America in America, neither will the election of the first woman president solve the problem of sexist attitudes. And as with the election of President Obama I have a feeling it would lay bare some ugliness that a lot of people would like to think is no longer part of our society. But maybe that’s a necessary step. Regardless of a woman becoming the top leader, the real issues is female political leadership at all levels. The fact that we rank number 60 among nations in that regard is just … shameful.



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