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If you want an abusive Daddy-in-chief for president, Chris Christie’s your man

If you want an abusive Daddy-in-chief for president, Chris Christie’s your man

by digby

I don’t know if it’s possible to convey just how loathesome I find Chris Christie and how horrifying it will be for me if somehow this misogynist creep becomes president. I have rarely in my life come across a politician with a personality that gets under my skin like this guy does:

After a heated weekend of sparring between a quarantined nurse and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the nurse is being discharged, the state’s Department of Health said in a statement Monday morning…

While in Florida campaigning for Republican Gov. Rick Scott, Christie stood by New Jersey’s quarantine policy.

“I know she didn’t want to be there. No one ever wants to be in the hospital, I suspect, and so I understand that,” he told reporters. “But the fact is I have a much greater, bigger responsibility to the people and the public, and so I think when she has time to reflect she will understand that as well.”

No, she is not a silly bimbo who didn’t understand her situation and “upon reflection” will understand that Daddy Knew Best. She is a medical professional, an epidemiology specialist, who knows very well that Chris Christie is completely ignorant about protecting the public from this disease and had no business spending several days talking about her as if she was a spoiled child who needed to go to bed without her supper. He betrayed his ignorance by repeatedly saying she was “ill” and hoping that she “recovered” even tough she has tested negative and has no symptoms at all.  (It was assumed that he meant she had Ebola but looking more closely at his comments it’s possible that he was saying she was having a mental breakdown. That’s what gaslighting pigs like Christie commonly do…)

Judging from what I read around the internet this week-end, the right-wingers think Christie’s jackboots are awesome. He can lock up nurses in FEMA camps all day long on a whim and it’s fine with them. All it takes for their little authoritarian skirts to show is a little tough guy action toward a woman and they’re on board.


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