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QOTD: Sarah Palin

QOTD: Sarah Palin

by digby

I know, I know, she’s a has been loser so who cares what she thinks? But she’s such a perfect representation of a particular kind of wingnut that I have to document it:

There’s no convincing scientific evidence for man-made climate change. The climate has always been changing. Climate change is to this century what eugenics was to the last century. It’s hysteria, and a lot of it’s junk science. And when it’s as discredited as eugenics, y’know a lot of people are going to look foolish and heartless.

I’m pretty sure she didn’t come up with that all by herself. She heard somebody make that comparison somewhere and ran with it. But for someone from Alaska, of all places, to chalk up the massive changes that are taking place in the environment up there to “shit happens” is just depressing. And this from a woman who made her reputation as a maverick reformer who took on the oil industry.

Also too, note her lugubrious appeals to help the poor folks who need cars and trucks. As if they there’s no way we can have transportation without burning massive amounts of fossil fuel. But then she evidently tools around Anchorage these days in a stretch Hummer so I suppose that’s all she knows.

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