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Let’s hope they’re being ironic

Let’s hope they’re being ironic

by digby

He’s only been in Washington for over 30 years.  Give the poor guy a chance people!

Here’s the change we’ve been waiting for:

“I think we need to do everything we can to get America back to work. And exactly which bill comes up first will be determined after discussing that with my colleagues and with the Speaker. Some examples of things that we’re very likely to be voting on: approving the Keystone XL pipeline, repealing the medical device tax, trying to restore the 40-hour work week, trying to get rid of the individual mandate. These are the kinds of things that I believe there is a bipartisan majority in the Senate to approve.”

Sounds awesome. And he’s probably right. There are always a slavering pack of Democrats yearning to be the GOP’s manservants.

And think about this:

“I’m the one who’s cut the deals that we’ve had. All of them. Biden and I did the December 2010 extension of the Bush tax cuts; the August 2011 budget control act, which actually led to a reduction in government spending for two years in a row for the first time since the Korean War; and the Dec. 31 fiscal cliff deal 2012, which made 99% of the Bush tax cuts permanent and saved virtually every family farm and small business in my state from being sold by altering the Death Tax exemption. So I’m not fundamentally opposed to negotiating with the President and his team and, in fact, I’ve been the one who’s done that in the past.”

I think we need to draft Biden to run for president.  Keep him busy.

*In case you were wondering “restoring the 40 hour workweek” is a wingnut euphemism for union busting.


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