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Nice little town you have there …

Nice little town you have there …

by digby

be a shame if anything happened to it.

The town council in Rossville, Ga. on Monday voted to ban abortion clinics because the mayor was worried about the “drama” one would bring to the city, according to the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

“We want to be a peaceful city,” Rossville Mayor Teddy Harris said during a council meeting. “We don’t want to have any protesters.”

So they’ve finally reached a point where they don’t have to protest anymore. Just the idea of clinic protests is enough to give politicians an excuse to ban abortion clinics.

*I assume there’s no need to point out that the protesters at abortion clinics are the ones who want the clinics closed.

And good for Senator Gillibrand for pointing out that blaming women for the entirely predictable loss in 2014 is BS:

“I resent the notion that women shouldn’t be talked to directly about issues we care about,” she said during a Center for American Progress Action Fund event, according to the Huffington Post. “It’s a shame that the range of issues that affect women have been successfully rebranded into this one tight phrase to dust off the shoulder.”
“Republicans don’t have a branding problem with women, they have policy problem with women,” she said. “Let me be clear: There’s a real difference between the parties on the full range of issues that affect women and their families, so the answer is not to stop talking about these issues.”

Still, she said she’d rather call these “family” issues. And I guess that’s fine except for the fact that they really are women’s issues and there shouldn’t be a problem with saying that since half the population is female. But I guess it is still a man’s world and we just live in it.

I eagerly await the next iteration of “family issues” from the Democratic Party. I’m thinking “birth control: shameful, legal and rare” has a ring to it.


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