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Why are Huckleberry Graham and pals maniacally licking their chops?

Why are Huckleberry Graham and pals maniacally licking their chops?

by digby

Salon’s headlines are often hilariously over the top.  (I don’t write ’em.) But today’s headline on my piece for them made me laugh out loud:

“Maniacally licking their chops” indeed. Get a load of Huckleberry:

“Each candidate on the Republican side embraced a bold foreign policy. They rejected leading from behind. So, from my point of view, the Republican conference is going to be made up of more traditional national security Republicans, and this era of flirting with isolationism, I think, has passed.”

– Sen. Lindsey Graham, to the South Carolina press corps

As Dave Weigel at Bloomberg quipped: “If that was too subtle, Graham found a better way of putting it when he talked to Washington Post reporter-blogger Jennifer Rubin: ‘The cavalry is coming over the hill’.”

You know we’re about to see a full-fledged, flag-waving, chest-thumping call to arms from the war hawks when they start seeing themselves as Teddy Roosevelt charging up San Juan Hill. Sen. Graham, of course, never went up any hill unless an office building or courthouse sat on top of it. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. The military needs lawyers too. But it’s always fun to watch the hawks get themselves so worked up they start sounding like George C. Scott’s monologue at the opening of “Patton,” Graham especially.

Read on. Poor Rand Paul is all alone out there …


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