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That time when Lynn Cheney said Jim Webb was full of baloney

That time when Lynn Cheney said Jim Webb was full of baloney

by digby
So Jim Webb is officially exploring the idea of entering the race for president. I’m sure quite a few people are thrilled.  He’s never been my favorite politician — I’m suspicious of anyone who couldn’t see through Ronald Reagan, even to the extent he would work in his administration — although he does take some interesting iconoclastic positions.  But I’m a bit believer in primaries, as painful as they may be, so I think it’s just fine if he runs and good luck to him. 

I suppose I’ll have a lot to say about him over the next couple of years so I won’t go into it today.  But I thought it would be fun to re-run this most excellent conversation about Webb between Wolf Blitzer and Lynn Cheney from a while back. It’s just so … great:

BLITZER:Let’s talk about another issue in the news, then we’ll get to the book. This — the Democrats are now complaining bitterly in this Virginia race, George Allen using novels — novels — that Jim Webb, his Democratic challenger, has written in which there are sexual references, and they’re making a big deal out of this. I want you to listen to what Jim Webb said today in responding to this very sharp attack from George Allen. 

L. CHENEY: Now, do you promise, Wolf, that we’re going to talk about my book? 

BLITZER: I do promise.

L. CHENEY: Because this seems to me a mighty long trip around the merry-go-round.
BLITZER: I want you to — this was in the news today and your name has come up, so that’s why we’re talking about it, but listen to this.
JAMES WEBB (D), VIRGINIA SENATE CANDIDATE: There’s nothing that’s been in any of my novels that, in my view, hasn’t been either illuminated the surroundings or defining a character or moving a plot. I’m a serious writer. I mean, we can go and read Lynne Cheney’s lesbian love scenes, you know, if you want to get graphic on stuff.

L. CHENEY: Jim Webb is full of baloney. I have never written anything sexually explicit. His novels are full of sexual, explicit references to incest, sexually explicit references — well, you know, I just don’t want my grandchildren to turn on the television set. This morning, Imus was reading from the novels, and it’s triple-X rated. 

BLITZER: Here’s what the Democratic Party put out today, the Democratic Congressional — Senatorial Campaign Committee: “Lynne Cheney’s book featured brothels and attempted rape. In 1981, Vice President Dick Cheney’s wife, Lynne, wrote a book called “Sisters,” which featured a lesbian love affair, brothels and attempted rapes.” 


BLITZER: “In 1988, Lynn Cheney wrote about a Republican vice president who dies of a heart attack while having sex with his mistress.” Is that true? 

L. CHENEY: Nothing explicit. And actually, that was full of lies. It’s not — it’s just — it’s absolutely not a… 

BLITZER: But you did write a book entitled “Sisters”? 

L. CHENEY: I did write a book entitled “Sisters.” 

BLITZER: And it did have lesbian characters. 

L. CHENEY: This description — no, not necessarily. This description is a lie. I’ll stand on that. 

BLITZER: There’s nothing in there about rapes and brothels? 

L. CHENEY: Well, Wolf, could we talk about a children’s book for a minute? 

BLITZER: We can talk about the children’s book. I just wanted to… 

L. CHENEY: I think my segment is, like, 15 minutes long and we’ve had about 10 minutes of… 

BLITZER: I just wanted to — I just wanted to clarify what’s in the news today, given — this is…  

L. CHENEY: Sex, lies and distortion. That’s what it is. 

BLITZER: This is an opportunity for you to explain on these sensitive issues. 

L. CHENEY: Wolf, I have nothing to explain. Jim Webb has a lot to explain. 

BLITZER: Well, he says he’s only — as a serious writer, novelist, a fiction writer, he was doing basically what you were doing. 

L. CHENEY: Jim Webb is full of baloney

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