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Troll ‘o the day: An alien from another planet

Troll ‘o the day: An alien from another planet

by digby

The other creepy congressman named King:

“I think it would be very helpful if President Obama went and met with the police officer, or invited him to the White House and said, ‘You’ve gone through four months of smear and slander, and the least we can do is tell you that it’s unfortunate that it happened and thank you for doing your job,’” the New York Republican told Fox Business on Tuesday.

And maybe afterwards they could wave the confederate flag and sing Dixie.

I love the fact that he thinks the president should thank the officer for killing an unarmed teenager. Even Prosecutor McCullough had the decency to call the whole thing a tragedy and say that they should try to take steps that it never happens again.

These people are sick.

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