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Mowing down demonstrators isn’t a crime either?

Mowing down demonstrators isn’t a crime either?

by digby

Wait, what? I watched this footage of a car honking and running over protesters last night but I didn’t hear what happened later:

Several protesters jumped on the hood of the driver’s car and he eventually came to a stop. He was questioned by police, but the latest reports say he has not been arrested.

This is the same police department who accused the mayor of flashing gang signs, by the way…

What can possibly be the excuse that would allow allow this driver to get away with this. He could have killed someone. Unless he was having a heart attack at the time and lost control of the car it seems to me that he did an exceptionally dangerous thing that would land most of us in jail. I get impatient waiting for people who are jay walking. They often walk slowly, especially the elderly, and sometimes I have to wait through a couple of lights before I can turn. It hasn’t occurred to me that I can just honk and run them over and face no consequences.

This Ferguson crisis is a real learning experience. Apparently some people in this country have a license to kill whenever they feel threatened — or even inconvenienced. Who knew?

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