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Go for it boys

Go for it boys

by digby

Steve Benen caught a couple of news items indicating that the Republicans might tell the president he isn’t welcome on Capitol Hill anymore and refuse to allow him to give the State of the Union speech:

Politico reported yesterday that congressional Republicans are weighing a variety of tactics to “address” their disgust over Obama’s immigration policy, and “GOP aides and lawmakers” are considering the idea of “refusing to invite the president to give his State of the Union address.”

Late last week, Breitbart News also ran a piece of its own on the subject: “Congress should indicate to President Obama that his presence is not welcome on Capitol Hill as long as his ‘executive amnesty’ remains in place. The gesture would, no doubt, be perceived as rude, but it is appropriate.”

There’s nothing that says the president has to give the speech on the hill. For most of history they didn’t, they just sent a report to congress. So, I think it would be fine if they refused the president like that. And even if he does give the speech as usual I’m fairly sure we can count on some shennanigans from the peanut gallery yelling at him or booing or something.

Either way, I hope the Republicans show their petulant immaturity for the whole country to see. It makes no difference to Obama — he’s still president regardless of what they do. But I have a sneaking suspicion that this behavior will not be a big hit with the country.

You do have to love the fact that Boehner and company have to figure out a way to let their freakshow have a tantrum so they won’t shut down the government. And here I thought it was the liberals who were overly-indulgent with their children. just Jesus, give them all a bottle and put them to bed.


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