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Those House Republicans are a bunch of liberal sell-outs

Those House Republicans are a bunch of liberal sell-outs

by digby

Are the House Republicans losing their nerve? Jeff Sessions thinks so:

Senator Jeff Sessions (R., Ala.) suggested that House Republicans are on the verge of breaking their campaign promise to fight President Obama’s administrative amnesty, judging by the legislative text currently being circulated.

Sessions said that the proposed language “fails to meet [the] test” established by Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus, who promised earlier this year that the GOP would do everything possible to thwart Obama’s executive orders.

Laura Ingraham agrees wholeheartedly:

They agree on this too: it’s  time to really gin up hatred for immigrants

To those inclined to worry that using the spending power would backfire on Republicans, Sessions suggested that economic populism would lead to a GOP victory. 

“Polling shows voters believe that Americans should get preference for available jobs by almost a 10–1 margin,” Sessions said. ”Republicans should not be timid or apologetic, but mount a bold defense of struggling Americans.”

Real Americans only need apply.

Everyone insisted before the election that immigration wasn’t really the issue that right wingers cared about. I have been skeptical.  I think they care a great deal.  I guess we’re going to find out who’s right.


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