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“Onward Christian Soldiers”?

“Onward Christian Soldiers”?

by digby


Speaking at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, Mr. Obama said Christians can’t lay claim to a higher moral ground in discussions of how to confront violent extremist groups such as the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember, during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Mr. Obama said. “In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often [were] justified in the name of Christ. It is not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency, that can pervert and distort our faith.”

His comments, in the wake of the president’s much-publicized reluctance to utter the phrase “radical Islam” out of concern that he’ll alienate moderate Muslims, drew angry reactions from some Christians and accusations that Mr. Obama was inadvertently offering justification for Islamist extremists.

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore said the president’s comments “are the most offensive I’ve ever heard a president make in my lifetime.”

“He has offended every believing Christian in the United States,” said Mr. Gilmore, a Republican. “This goes further to the point that Mr. Obama does not believe in America or the values we all share.

Gosh and to think that it was george W. Bush who very famously backtracked on even suggesting there was some kind of religious “crusade”. Even he knew this was fatuous bullshit. George W. Bush!

15 years after 9/11 and we’re sliding into that place that we managed to assiduously avoid for the first decade — the idea that as a “Christian nation” we had to fight the Muslim infidel. We weren’t going to go there. And now we are.

Ed Kilgore explains the reasoning behind all this and it’s so infuriatingly idiotic it makes me want to scream:

While some of Obama’s critics may claim the Inquisition and the Crusades just weren’t all that bad (though an auto-da-fe in a capital case for, say, the refusal to eat pork, was probably about as “barbaric” as a beheading), I think Gilmore articulates the main objection: we’re in a “religious war” and the president needs to show solidarity with “our” religion. Others, of course, reject the idea of separation of church and state that Obama spoke of yesterday, typically by drawing on David Barton’s spurious histories of the Founders’ intentions.

But the deeper offense, I suspect, was caused by Obama’s return to the theme he articulated back in 2009 at a famous commencement address at Notre Dame: doubt as essential to faith, and humility as essential to obedience to God.

In my own commentary on the Notre Dame speech, I argued Obama was reviving an idea of the “fear of God” that fundamentalists had all but extinguished in their determination to claim divine sanction for their all-too-secular agenda of cultural conservatism and intolerance:

Fundamentalism, particularly in its political application, is typically based on the redefinition of “humility” as a rejection of civility and [of] mutual respect as an act of obedience to God, whose revelation of His will, through scripture, teaching or tradition, is so clear that only selfishness and rebellion could explain the persistence of doubt. This inversion of the “fear of God” as requiring aggressive and repressive self-righteousness has been responsible for endless scandals of faith over the centuries, quite often in conjunction with the divinization of culturally conservative causes from slavery to nationalism to patriarchy.

Obama was even more emphatic about that connection in his latest speech. And this sort of talk is why some conservative evangelicals and “traditionalist” Catholics deny mainline Protestants like Obama (and roughly 40 million other Americans) status as “real” Christians.

There’s more detail about this at the link.

Kilgore hopes the MSM pays attention and sees that fundamentalism isn’t the only Christian worldview. But I guess I just don’t know why he’s speaking in these terms at all. If there was ever a time when it was more important for American politicians not to engage in religious rhetoric I don’t know when it might have been. President Obama was measured in his speech but to many people, American politicians in general might as well be singing “Onward Christian Soldiers” and vowing to take back Jerusalem for Jesus.

I appreciate that Obama may be speaking for the mainstream Protestants in his speeches about this. I’m sure they appreciate his having their back. But the he more politicians speak about all this in religious terms the more dangerous it is. Isn’t it enough that the terrorists are religious fanatics who use their religion as an excuse to kill people? Do we really need to jump on that bandwagon? (Again?)


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