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Headline ‘O the Day

Headline ‘O the Day

by digby

From The Hill:

“Obama prepares for divisive veto”

There he goes again, being divisive. Most presidential vetoes are polite demonstrations of bipartisan comity. But President Obama just can’t help standing in the way of congresses’ good faith effort to make our government work. This is, after all, his third veto, the first one since 2010:

Obama has rejected just two bills passed by Congress in his nearly six years in office. That’s the fewest of any president since James Garfield, who didn’t veto a single bill, but lasted only six months in the White House before his assassination in 1881. And when you look at presidents who have served as long as Obama has, you’d have to go back to James Monroe, the nation’s fifth president, to find a chief executive who has formally clashed with Congress so rarely. Monroe vetoed just one bill in his two terms, according to records kept by the Senate.

That obstructionist bastard.


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