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My “come to Obama” story

My “come to Obama” story

by digby

I never felt the emotional pull back in 2008, although I admired him as a politician. But then I don’t feel an emotional pull to any politicians anymore. I’ve seen too much, I guess.

But I want to announce that I have finally “come to Obama.” Today I am officially declaring myself an Obamabot. Because of this, as related by David Axelrod in his new book:

When we brought her to the front of the plane,” Axelrod writes, “Obama proceeded to blister her for a previous column she had written. No one got under Barack’s skin more than Maureen… He was patronizing and disrespectful…After that awkward encounter, she seemed to take particular delight in psychoanalyzing Barack and belittling him in print, which only deepened his contempt… Why are you friends with her?’

The “her” in question was Maureen Dowd who called him “Obambi” throughout the campaign.

That guy is the one I was waiting for.


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