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Boo hoo

Boo hoo

by digby

Megyn Kelly says Jon Stewart made her cry.

“They think he’s funny, they think he’s a force for good and everyone wants to celebrate him, and I’m here to tell you that he reduced some people to tears,” Kelly said.
She followed the comment with a good natured laugh, but left the impression that Stewart has made her cry at some point.

In addition to questioning whether Stewart has been a force for good, Kelly spoke about his “nasty” demeanor.

“While I enjoy consuming his news product — his fake news product — at home and laughing at it, I don’t think overall he has been a force for good,” she said. “Because I think in his later years he got a little nasty, I think he got a little burnt out. And I can speak personally to a lot of the attacks that were levied on me had no foothold in the facts.”

I’m sure it’s hard being a Fox News anchor and having half the country thinks you’re a sell-out shill for conservatives and big business. But as Don Draper said to Peggy Olson: “That’s what the money’s for!”

As for his commentary having no “foothold in the facts” well he does use footage from her show and it’s true her show usually has no “foothold in the facts.” But that’s not his fault.
She also thinks it’s bad for Democratic candidates who go on his show regularly to be associated with his show. Apparently all the Republican politicians, pundits and authors he treats with much more respect and civility than any liberal would ever find on Fox News are fine with it.

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