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By their friends we shall know them

By their friends we shall know them

by digby

The right wing which tried to bring down Bob Menendez with a phony sex scandal is now rending their garments over the DOJ going after him for corruption:

Senator Ted Cruz has alleged that the leak of the pending indictment of the New Jersey Democratic senator Bob Menendez may be a politically motivated act of retaliation by Barack Obama and the Department of Justice.

Speaking to reporters at the Iowa Agricultural Summit in Des Moines on Saturday, the Texas Republican said he found it “awfully coincidental” that charges were reportedly set to be brought against Menendez, a leading Democratic critic of Obama’s Middle East policy, during such a fraught period in US negotiations with Iran.

The two-term New Jersey senator has long been under investigation regarding his ties to Salomon Melgen, a wealthy donor. The two have vacationed together in the Dominican Republic and Menendez has advocated for policy changes to Medicare which would financially benefit Melgen, an ophthalmologist.

To Cruz, it was “a troubling coincidence” that a two-year investigation into Menendez was culminating in the same week the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, addressed a joint session of Congress to condemn the negotiations.

Cruz went on to say that this “raises suggestions to other Democrats if you dare part from [the] Obama White House that criminal prosecutions will be used potentially as a weapon against you as well”.

Lulz. yeah, the DOJ is probing every Democrats and has a case all lined up in the event they cross the Tyrant Obama on Iran …

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