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Chicken Little is very, very, very afraid. Of everything.

Chicken Little is very, very, very afraid. Of everything.

by digby

Huckleberry Graham is going to have a heart attack. As you recall he’s been consistently calling for the smelling salts over ISIS:

We’re in a religious war. These are not terrorists. They’re radical Islamists who are trying to replace our way of life with their way of life. Their way of life is motivated by religious teachings that require me and you to be killed, or enslaved, or converted. The President of the United States tip-toes around the threats we face, and he is trying to diminish the religious aspect of this war. Why? I don’t know. And he is not engaging the enemy in an aggressive fashion, which makes it more likely we’ll get attacked. 

What he’s doing is pretending to want to destroy ISIL when in fact, he’s trying to get out of office without having to commit American ground forces to do the job as part of a team in the region, because he made a campaign promise. His campaign promises, Hugh, are getting a lot of people killed.

Scary, huh? I’d say so. How about this:

“[T]hey’re intending to come here. So, I will not let this president suggest to the American people we can outsource our security and this is not about our safety. There is no way in hell you can form an army on the ground to go into Syria, to destroy ISIL without a substantial American component. And to destroy ISIL, you have to kill or capture their leaders, take the territory they hold back, cut off their financing and destroy their capability to regenerate.This is a war we’re fighting, not a counterterrorism operation. This is not Somalia, this is not Yemen. This is a turning point in the war on terror. Our strategy will fail yet again.

This president needs to rise to the occasion before we all get killed back here at home!”

Oh my God! What could be worse than this? Well it turns out that these ruthless killers who are coming to kill us all here at home are nothing compared to the evil monsters on the other side of ISIS. It’s hard to believe it’s possible that such a thing exists, but this morning he named an even greater enemy:

Potential 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Sunday he fears Iran more than the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

“Absolutely,” he said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “It’s not even close.”

“They’re an evil regime,” he said. “A cold-blooded regime.” 

“I fear them more than I fear [ISIS],” he added.

I think the question is, who isn’t Graham afraid of? And why does he think that anyone would want to vote for Chicken Little as commander in chief?


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