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An elite minority of superstitious high priests

An elite minority of superstitious high priests

by digby

This is apparently the cover of the Guardian tomorrow.

When I saw it, I couldn’t help but think of this:

Officials responsible for making sure Florida is prepared to respond to the earth’s changing climate are barred from using the terms “global warming” and “climate change” in official communications, emails and reports, according to new findings from the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.

“We were told that we were not allowed to discuss anything that was not a true fact,” said Kristina Trotta, a former Florida Department of Environmental Protection employee.

Another former employee added, “We were dealing with the effects and economic impact of climate change, and yet we can’t reference it.”

You have to love the idea that someone told scientists that they are not allowed to discuss anything that isn’t a “true fact.” Presumably they would not likewise be barred from talking about God …

It makes you wonder if that Naomi Klein quote accurately reflects the problem. It’s true that this small band of elites have unfettered power but they are more reminiscent of the Inquisition than anything in the 1920s. (If you click that link you can see the original Vatican document declaring the Copernican system “foolish and absurd.”)

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