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QOTD: a crazy person

QOTD: a crazy person

by digby

I’d like to believe that he was being metaphorical here, but I don’t think anyone in his position could possibly be so stupid as to think that was a decent metaphor under current circumstances. So, I’m going to guess that he was being serious:

[Israeli]Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman calls for harsher measures against Israeli-Arabs who support terror.

Those with us, should receive everything” in terms of rights, he says, according to Channel 2. “Those against us, it cannot be helped, we must lift up an ax and behead them — otherwise we will not survive here.”

He says Israel is too “stupid, stingy, and soft” on the matter.

During this election campaign, Liberman has repeatedly called for the death penalty for terrorists.

“Israeli citizens who raise a black flag on Nakba day — from my perspective, they should get out of here, and I would willingly and with great pleasure hand them over to Abu Mazen [Abbas],” he adds, referencing his plan for land swaps in the event of a future Palestinian state, which he has argued should absorb Arab Israelis.

So, deporting citizens who exercise free speech is on the menu. Good to know.

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