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I wonder who’s whispering in Bob Corker’s ear?

I wonder who’s whispering in Bob Corker’s ear?

by digby

The Hill, not being too subtle:

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, suggested Tuesday that the reason Republicans wrote an open-letter to Iran is due to the White House’s resistance to congressional involvement in ongoing nuclear talks.

Corker said the idea originated from a Senate Democrat he spoke to early Tuesday about the negotiations.

“Some of this is pushback because of the administration taking the position that it’s taken. Again, that is someone else’s observation,” Corker told reporters. “The fact that the administration has pushed back on Congress having any role, especially on the congressionally mandated sanctions and issuing a veto threat at a very common-sense approach.”

Corker introduced a bill with Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) several weeks ago that would allow Congress 60 days to review any nuclear deal struck with Iran before its implementation, but the White House immediately issued a veto threat.

Gosh I wonder who the Democrat who suggested the idea could be? Surely, not the same one who sponsored the bill with him and was revealed just days earlier to be imminently indicted on corruption charges?

Of course not …


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