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Oh baby

Oh baby

by digby

Some might call that puerile. Embarrassing for a US Senator (or anyone other than a 14 year old One Direction fan…). But on the right this is what they call manliness.

He’s just spitting mad:

“Joe Biden, as Barack Obama’s own secretary of defense has said, has been wrong about nearly every foreign policy and national security decision in the last 40 years,” Cotton said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” in a reference to former Pentagon chief Robert Gates, who ripped Biden in a tell-all memoir after leaving office.

“Moreover, if Joe Biden respects the dignity of the institution of the Senate he should be insisting that the president submit any deal to approval of the Senate, which is exactly what he did on numerous deals during his time in Senate,” Cotton said.

On Monday, the freshman senator from Arkansas, along with 46 other Republican senators, signed a letter to top Iranian leaders informing them that any nuclear deal they reach with President Obama would be “nothing more than an executive agreement” that would likely be tossed out when a new president takes office.

Biden released a strongly worded statement on Monday night, saying that the letter “is beneath the dignity of an institution I revere.”


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