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About that religious war …

About that religious war …

by digby

Jay Sekulow:

Is it possible that this decade will see the virtual end of Christianity in the very region it was born?

There were few images more sickening than the images of ISIS terrorists beheading 21 Egyptian Christians on a beach in Libya. It was sickening because the crime itself was beyond the pale. It was sickening because months after the United States launched its war against ISIS – the Islamic State – the atrocities continue, unabated. And it was sickening because the video was visual evidence that ISIS continues to expand, even into Libya – a nation we helped “liberate” less than four years ago.

On Wednesday, I am testifying before the Senate’s State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Subcommittee. The topic: “Protecting Religious Freedom Abroad.” There has never been greater need for public awareness of the plight of Christians in the Muslim world.

The Bridegroom is a comin’.

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